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Airsoft Arms Fair Review
- AAF7 18th May 2013 - Reviewed by Yosser

One of the great advantages to arriving early is checking out all the gear before the crowds arrive and chatting with the stall holders. Milspec Solutions had a great display of WE pistols and rifles and we managed an exclusive look at the GHK G5 and even managed a quick video as those subscribers to the Yosser65 Youtube Channel will know already.
The days not all ‘pleasure’ for the Airsoft Odyssey crew, we met a great deal of ‘fans’ and friends and it’s so good to meet fellow airsofters who I’ve been seeing at this event for so long now. We even shared a laugh or 2 with our good pals Optimus Prime & Paul from Popular Airsoft. The event is still a great place to meet movers and shakers involved in the UK airsoft scene such as Matt from WE Europe who was on hand to offer advice and intel on WE products and more internationally Łukasz Bonczol, the Sales Coordinator from Gunfire who was displaying some exclusive Gunfire products from their dedicated tactical kit range as well as batteries including Lipo’s, glow-sticks, and BB’s all available from their website. I did however miss some notable absentee’s from previous years though!
Retailers where well represented from Redwolf, Apocalypse Airsoft , The Grange, our good friends Milspec Solutions, Pro-Airsoft Supplies, Swindon Airsoft from where I got a very nice T1 for my PDR! Ammo Drop where in attendance as well as Op-7 Airsoft who were giving 2 tones away as ‘starter’ sets to eligible players to help build interest in our much loved hobby/sport.
We even managed a chat with Dave of Dave’s Custom Airsoft about his ‘custom’ range of Galil’s based on the ICS base – we even did a video interview but thanks to a faulty mic looks like we might only have bits of this available! The Galil comes in 5 flavours including the "Suppressed," "Support," "CQB," "Battle Rifle," and "DMR" variants. Each is custom made TO ORDER – so get ordering NOW he’s taking orders via his Facebook Page.
As usual Stirling Airsoft were in attendance with their brand of airsoft training which is always popular and gets booked up quickly – this time they were supported by TAG Airsoft. Also providing demo’s and training in aid of Help for Hero’s were Pro-Tact and we’ll HAVE some of their video action on the blog soon!
If you didn’t make AAF7 you missed a great event – thanks to Marie & Jim for a great show and to Milspec Solutions Mobile HQ for hospitality! If you’re looking to see if you made it into any of the photo’s check out the Airsoft Odyssey FB page and feel free to tag away – if you use the picture please credit Airsoft Odyssey!
AAF7 May 2013 Montage Video © AirsoftOdyssey 2013
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